Beat the Peak
Did you know the time of day you use energy can impact electricity rates? This is especially true when extreme summer (or winter) weather pushes energy use even higher. However, you can do your part to beat the peak by scheduling tasks during off-peak hours and keeping electricity usage to a minimum between 4:00 pm and 10:00 pm. Understanding how demand works can help you lessen your impact.
Use the SmartHub app or website to track your usage. The Time of Use button will break down the usage during Linn County REC's 3-tiered Time of Day rates.
Residential Self Assessment
Complete the Self Assessment to see how well your home is saving you energy or if there are areas for improvement.
Energy Consumption vs. Demand
Energy consumption is the amount of power you use over a given period of time. Demand measures the impact of power needed to supply every electrical device running in your home at a specific point in time. It is the maximum rate at which your household has consumed energy.
How Does Peak Demand Impact Members?
You can lower the demand of electricity by coordinating the number of appliances you operate at once. Staggering the use of appliances reduces the demand on our system. Lower demand means lower costs for Linn County REC from our power supplier - a savings we pass on to our members. The graph below illustrates how demand is affected by how appliances are used: