

Defined Electric Service Areas Protect Iowans

December 1, 2024 - This article was published by Leslie Kaufman, executive vice president and general manager of the Iowa Association of Electric Cooperatives

At the Iowa Association of Electric Cooperatives, we are constantly monitoring issues that could impact the people and communities served by Iowa’s electric cooperatives. Our state’s 2025 Legislative Session will begin on January 13 and IAEC will prioritize efforts to ensure Iowa’s law regarding defined service areas is not undermined. I’d like to explain why this law has been so crucial to our mission to serve co-op member-consumers.

What are defined service areas?
In Iowa, your location determines which electric utility will serve you. This regulatory protection is called defined electric service territory and the State of Iowa wrote Senate File 1258 into law almost 50 years ago to efficiently ensure that every square foot of our state has an electric utility obligated to provide service upon request.

Why do Iowa’s electric cooperatives support defined service areas?
Electric co-ops are committed to safeguarding defined service areas because they protect Iowans by supporting affordable electric rates, fostering a resilient electric grid and encouraging economic development.

Defined service areas provide a high degree of certainty to Iowa’s electric cooperatives which allows us to confidently make long-term investments in power generation to maintain affordable rates, finance major grid upgrades to ensure resiliency and utilize new technologies to enhance service. Electric co-ops can also be proactive in maintenance and vegetation management to improve reliability for the homes, farms and businesses we serve every day. Additionally, defined service areas allow electric co-ops to robustly support economic development efforts in the communities we serve, which retain and create local jobs and provide needed services and tax revenue.

Any efforts to remove or weaken Iowa’s defined service areas could result in higher electric bills and decreased reliability for Iowans. This issue is non-negotiable for Iowa’s not-for-profit electric cooperatives, which are mission driven to power lives and empower communities by providing electricity that is safe, reliable and affordable.

Since the 1990s, several states have deregulated their electric utilities, but the hopes that competition would result in lower rates and improved reliability have not materialized. In fact, according to a 2023 New York Times investigation, “Deregulation has resulted in increased rates/fees in every state where it has been introduced.” The report goes on to conclude that “On average, residents living in a deregulated market pay $40 more per month for electricity…” This outcome is unacceptable for the Iowans we serve.

We invite you to learn more about this issue at where you will also find links to research and studies on deregulation. Your locally owned electric cooperatives are working hard to safeguard defined service area protections that have benefitted Iowans since 1976.


2024-2025 Energy Assistance Guidelines

October 1, 2024

The 2024 - 2025 Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) has been established to help qualifying low-income Iowa homeowners and renters pay for a portion of their primary heating costs for the winter heating season. The assistance is based on household income, household size, type of fuel, and type of housing.

If you are not sure where to apply you can Dial 2-1-1, visit to locate and contact your local community action agency, or write to: LIHEAP, Iowa Department of Health & Human Services, Capitol Complex, Des Moines, IA 50319.

WHEN TO APPLY: Elderly (60 & over) and/or disabled: Oct. 1, 2024 - April 30, 2025. All other households: Nov. 1, 2024 - April 30, 2025


  • Proof of Income (for all household members age 18 and over) Depending upon your household income type, income documentation from the past 30 days, the last 12 months, or last calendar year, whichever is easier or more beneficial for you.
  • Proof of Social Security Numbers for all household members (documentation required)
  • Most recent heat bill
  • Most recent electric bill

WAGE EARNERS: Please bring copies of your check stubs for the 30-day period preceding the date of application, or a copy of your most recent federal income tax return.
FIXED INCOME: This income may include: Social Security Benefits, Supplemental Security Income, Veteran’s Assistance, Unemployment Insurance, and pensions. Please bring copies of your check stubs from the previous 30 days.
SELF-EMPLOYED/FARMERS: Please bring a copy of your most recent federal income tax return.
Note - Additional countable income and/or income verification not listed above may be required for eligibility determination.


2024 Annual Meeting Election Results

September 26, 2024

The annual meeting was held on Thursday, September 26. Elections results are:

District 4: Jeanna Sager

District 6: Gary Schropp


False Claims From Solar Representatives

July 30, 2024

We are receiving reports from our members regarding solar company door to door sales representatives making false claims. These claims include:
- They are there for the net metering report for the REC
- The REC sent a letter or email about rates going up
- This is a new program; they are paying for solar installs. All I have to do is qualify you.

If you are approached by a solar company sales representative that is making these claims or implying they are affiliated with us, please contact our office at 319-377-1587. Thank you.


$1,000,000 in Capital Credits Going Back To Members

July 1, 2024

Capital credits are just one of the many benefits of membership that set co-ops apart from other utilities. Linn County REC belongs to the members we serve. Since we are a cooperative, any profits that exceed the amount needed to operate the cooperative are shared back with members over time. They are called capital credits.

Your board of directors approves the allocation of capital credits and determines the annual payment amount. Until then, these margins are reinvested to maintain and improve the electric system until the capital credits are issued to members.

The board of directors approved a capital credit payment of $1,000,000 for 2023. If you received service from us during that time, you will have a credit on your September bill statement based on your usage during that calendar year.


2023 Annual Meeting Election Results

September 21, 2023

The annual meeting was held on Thursday, September 21st. Elections results are:

District 2: Kirk Hiland

District 3: Gary Schlotterbeck

District 7: Ron O'Neil

Both ammendments to the articles of incorporation also passed.


Join Us For The Annual Meeting

August 1, 2023

 Join us online for the annual meeting on Thursday, September 21st. The Zoom meeting will begin at 9:00 am. For more information, visit our annual meeting/elections page.


$250,000 in Capital Credits Going Back To Members

July 1, 2023

Capital credits are just one of the many benefits of membership that set co-ops apart from other utilities. Linn County REC belongs to the members we serve. Since we are a cooperative, any profits that exceed the amount needed to operate the cooperative are shared back with members over time. They are called capital credits.

Your board of directors approves the allocation of capital credits. They also determine what amount is to be paid annually. Until then, these margins are reinvested to maintain and improve the electric system until the capital credits are issued to members.

The board of directors approved a capital credit payment of $250,000 for 2022. If you received service from us during that time, you will have a credit on your September bill statement that is based upon your usage during that calendar year.


Avoided Cost Change For Alternate Energy Members

June 1, 2023

The Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA) requires utilities to purchase excess energy and capacity produced by qualifying facilities (wind turbine, solar array, etc.) at a rate equal to the utility’s full avoided cost. Avoided cost is the incremental costs to the electric utility of electric energy or capacity, or both, but for the purchase from the qualifying facilities, the utility would generate itself or purchase from another source. Linn County Rural Electric Cooperative receives wholesale energy from Central Iowa Power Cooperative (CIPCO). Accordingly, our PURPA rate is provided by CIPCO.

CIPCO has determined that its avoided cost rate should be established based on actual market-based energy prices, given the market volatility and the unpredictability of forward energy and capacity prices. Using the actual energy prices will properly reflect the costs that CIPCO, and therefore our cooperative, are avoiding by purchasing from a qualifying facility. As market prices change, so does CIPCO’s PURPA rate. The rate Linn County REC pays or credits you for your excess energy each month will equal the calculated avoided cost rate for that month. This change became effective June 1, 2023, and will be reflected on your bill statements starting in July.


Official Notice of Rate Increase

March 1, 2023

On January 19, the Linn County REC board of directors approved a rate increase along with a new rate design for the electric service our members receive. The new rates will apply to usage beginning on April 1st, 2023. The new rate design will result in increased revenues of $4,563,393 or 7%, which will help your cooperative keep up with rising infrastructure costs and continue investments to keep our system safe, reliable, and sustainable. Based upon current forecasts, the rate increase is expected to provide sufficient revenue through 2026.

Members were notified in the newsletter they received with their bill in March. For more information on the new time-of-day rate structure and the rate chart, please review the March newsletter. If you have any questions, please contact our office.


News Archive


Iowa Home Energy Assistance Program Guidelines Released

October 1, 2021

The 2021-2022 Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) has been established to help qualifying low-income Iowa homeowners and renters pay for a portion of their primary heating costs for the winter heating season. The assistance is based on homehold income, household size, type of fuel and type of housing.

If you are not sure where to apply, Dial 2-1-1, or visit to contact your local community action agency, or write to: LIHEAP, Iowa Department of Human Rights, Capitol Complex, Des Moines, IA 50319

WHEN TO APPLY: Elderly (60 & over) and/or disabled: Oct. 1, 2020 - April 30, 2021. All other households: Nov. 1, 2020 - April 30, 2021

2021 Annual Meeting Will Be Virtual

August 1, 2021

Our board of directors voted to hold the annual meeting virtually again this year.

The Linn County REC virtual annual meeting is Friday, September 24, 2021. Meeting agenda and Zoom log in information are located on our annual meeting page.


Rate Study Update

December 1, 2022

Linn County REC has entered the next phase of the rate study, where the staff and its consultant have been reviewing costs and rate designs. These reviews are critical for system reliability, system growth, and billing equality.

Linn County REC’s emphasis for rate design:

  • Meet revenue requirements to keep your cooperative financially strong into the future
  • Maintain fairness between members and how our costs are incurred
  • Better align Linn County REC’s rate structure with the costs we are incurring from our power supplier, Central Iowa Power Cooperative
  • Promote energy usage outside of Linn County REC peak hours of 4 PM to 9 PM to help control power costs for the membership
  • Give members more control over their utility cost

The final determinations are still unknown at this time. However, we anticipate a change to our rates in the Spring of 2023.


Cost of Service/Rate Study Begins

October 1, 2022

Linn County REC has retained a consulting firm to perform a study of our retail rates. The rate study will look at cooperative revenue requirement, cost of service for each rate class, and design of electric rates. The study currently underway is due to the cooperative’s financial performance and growth.

Our last rate change was implemented in 2019. Factors that have changed since the last cost of service and rate study include:

  • Linn County REC continues substation upgrades due to our transmission supplier switching from 34.5 KV to 69 KV. We have completed 10 of the 17 required substation upgrades.
  • Our growing membership. Linn County REC has 7.6% more members than in 2019. This growth means more resources are needed to serve our members. These resources include new substations, equipment, staffing, and construction of underground lines.
  • Advanced metering data is available to better understand the impacts that each member class has on our system. It also offers the ability to design rates that can save the membership money.
  • Member usage patterns are continuing to change.

Our power supplier, Central Iowa Power Cooperative (CIPCO), is changing its rate structure due to the changing power market.

Until the rate study is completed, there is no way to know the extent of any future change. However, information related to any rate changes can be seen over the upcoming months here and in this newsletter.


Iowa Home Energy Assistance Program Guidelines Released

October 1, 2022

The 2022 - 2023 Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) has been established to help qualifying low-income Iowa homeowners and renters pay for a portion of their primary heating costs for the winter heating season. The assistance is based on homehold income, household size, type of fuel and type of housing.

If you are not sure where to apply, Dial 2-1-1, or visit to contact your local community action agency, or write to: LIHEAP, Iowa Department of Human Rights, Capitol Complex, Des Moines, IA 50319

WHEN TO APPLY: Elderly (60 & over) and/or disabled: Oct. 1, 2022 - April 30, 2023. All other households: Nov. 1, 2022 - April 30, 2023



Protect Yourself From Phone/Email Scams

July 14, 2022

Linn County REC has been alerted about scam phone calls reaching our members asking to pay immediately or be disconnected. The best defense against a utility scammer is an educated consumer; follow these tips from Utilities United Against Scams to protect yourself from a potential scam.

Protect personal information

Never provide or confirm personal information (Social Security number, date of birth) or financial information (banking account information, debit or credit card information) to anyone initiating contact with you and claiming to be from your Linn County REC. Never give out information or provide any payment type to any callers or unexpected individual(s) appearing at your door claiming to represent Linn County REC. We will already have your relevant personal and account information.

Take your time

Do not be rushed. If you receive a call, text, email or visitor saying you have to pay your bill immediately to avoid disconnection, tell them you would like to verify that they are a legitimate co-op representative by calling a verified number for Linn County REC's office. Beware if a representative exhibits impatience, annoyance, or anger when you question their authority. While a scammer will discourage you from hanging up and calling the number on your utility bill, a real co-op representative will encourage you to do so for your own peace of mind.

Always ask questions

Ask the person contacting you to provide you with your account number, your last payment amount, date of payment, and their employee identification number. If he/she is a legitimate utility representative, this information will be readily accessible. If not, hang up or shut the door, and call Linn County REC directly to report the suspicious activity.

Contact your utility directly

If you receive a suspicious call or visit, please contact the local police and your Linn County REC immediately. Share details that the scammer told you which might aid in a possible criminal investigation.

The Cooperative Difference

Linn County REC is owned by the people we serve. That's why we call you members, not customers.
We are local - living and working along side you.